Yahoo Messenger is shutting down in July

  • 11 Jun, 2018
Yahoo Messenger is shutting down in July

Yahoo messanger is no more, Yahoo Messaging service which started in 1998, is ending in july 2018 . Verizon's sub-company Oath has announced to eliminate Yahoo Messenger. The date of July 17 has been set to eliminate Yahoo Messenger. Now newcomers are being redirected to group chat Messaging App Squirrel.

The company is encouraged to sign up on the new app Squirrel. This new application is going to be beta testing from the month of May. This app is just invite only right now. It is hoped that soon it will be released for public. It may be possible to make this new app public after Yahoo. For consumers interested in installing this new app, they can get invite code from this app website.

The company further announced that users can download their Chat History for 6 months. If you also want to get the information about downloading your chat history, click here.
