Samsung Android smartphones secret codes

  • 07 Feb, 2017
Samsung Android smartphones secret codes

Android OS have lots of secret codes. different Brands have personal short code with custom ROM. we give a detail list of samsung android mobile codes, users can check personaly sensors, IMEI number, Audio Test Mode etc.

Audio Test Mode*#0673#
Auto Answer Selection*#272886#
Battery status*#9998*246#
Bluetooth Test Mode*#232331#
Bluetooth Address*#232337#
Camera Firmware Update*#34971539#
Camera Firmware Menu*#7412365#
Data Create SD Card*#273283*255*663282*#
Debug screen*#9998*324#
E2P Camera Reset*#8999*324#
Factory soft reset*2767*226372#
GCF Configuration*#*#7780#*#*
GPS test settings*#4238378#
GPS test settings*#*#1472365#*#*
General Test Mode*#0*#
GPS Control Menu*#1575#
IMEI number*#06#
Insert Network Lock Keycode NSP/CP*7465625*27*#
Insert Content Provider Keycode#7465625*27*#
Insert Partitial Network Lock Keycode#7465625*782*#
Melody Test Mode*#0289#
LCD Brightness*#8999*523#
LBS Test Mode*#3214789650#
Real Time Clock Test*#0782#
Remap Shutdown to End Call TSK*#7594#
Software version*#9999#
Serial number*#0001#
Sofware Version Info*#44336#
Test History*#07#
USB Logging Control*#872564#
View Phone Lock Status*#7465625#
Vibration test:*#9998*842# - *#8999*842#
WAP Settings Reset*2767*73738927#
WLAN Test Mode*#232339#